This study aims to contribute towards the assessment of Lake Danao by analyzing the interaction of formal and informal institutions in lake governance, access to lake resources and economic valuation of key lake resources such as fisheries resources, biodiversity and recreational (ecotourism) resources. This study will employ a mixedmethod research design using quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to cover the complexity of the social dynamics of lake environments and communities. This project is significant as this aims to analyze the social dynamics underlying assessments of Lake Danao, complementing the natural science methods in the overall program proposal. This project is important implement resource management and conservation in Lake Danao that will stem from the results of the assessment will be implemented by social actors – individuals, organizations and communities- that are governed by formal and informal rules. The lack of a social science component in lake assessments may risk ignoring the influence of social actors and institutions in the overall dynamics inherent in lake communities and environments. This study aims to build on previous work by incorporating a feedback mechanism wherein informal rules and norms of local communities will feed into the policy component of lake management. At the same time, results from the socio-economic surveys and economic valuation are also expected to feed into formal and informal institutions for lake governance and management.