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Project Title: Occurrence, Genotype Analysis And Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Of Cryptosporidium From Bivalves In The Coastal Areas Of Metro Manila

Project No.: O-003
Scientific Division: V - Biological Sciences
Project Leader: Windell Laberinto Rivera
Implementing Agency: University of the Philippines - Diliman, Institute of Biology
Project Description:

This project will also provide baseline information on Cryptosporidium contamination of coastal areas in Metro Manila where bivalves are commonly cultured. Moreover, the surveillance data that will be generated from this study will be helpful in understanding the level of foodborne and environmental contaminants related to the present changing environmental conditions. Moreover, this study aims to assess the risk of cryptosporidiosis on the healthy population of Metro Manila that regularly consumes bivalves from the coastal areas of this megacity. This study will be the first to report on quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) of Cryptosporidium from bivalves. The outcome of this research may drive decision-makers to establish an educational and treatment program to reduce the incidence of parasite-borne intestinal infections in Metro Manila and to conduct risk analysis programs in other similar cities in the Philippines.

Period Covered: 09/01/2017 - 08/31/2018
Duration: 24 months
Status: New
Extended Period : 09/01/2018 - 02/28/2019
