It cannot be denied that indigenous peoples (IPs) have traditional knowledge which is the source of rich cultural expressions in the form of artistic works and crafts. Indigenous peoples’ cultures, traditions, knowledge, systems, and practices have given the country invaluable creative products. Beyond celebrating their enrichment of the creative industry, IPs have set in motion the engines of industrialization in essential sectors such as agriculture, trade and commerce. Furthermore, IPs are expected to continue having a vital role with the resurgence of the handicraft and cottage industries. Despite their huge contributions and importance to society, indigenous people’s creative products remain in constant struggle in integrating in the formal markets. The indigenous people’s creative products also face the risks of cultural misappropriation and use for commercial purposes without permission, abuse by unauthorized sale, copying or distribution. The struggles of the IPs in pursuing livelihood on culture-based products are much more challenging among indigenous women. Still women, through their imaginative talent and political drive, have helped forge a space for vibrant communities through an assertion of their culture through creative enterprises. Indigenous women are the backbone of indigenous communities and play a crucial role as guardians of indigenous ancestral knowledge. In addition, they are often pressed forward and innovated a variety of forms of asserting their personal, communal, and creative capabilities. As a clear example, many indigenous women have thrived in the arts and crafts, have established themselves as leaders contributing to the cultural and creative industry. In many instances, the mastery of the traditional art of weaving has become a celebration of the feats and powers of women in the different regions in the Philippines. Potentially they have the characteristics of a leading sector that can generate growth of the overall economy; some of their sectors can provide spill over effects for the economy; and attract business and investment, and spur creativity and innovation across all sectors of the economy. Cultural and creative industries involving IPs as an economic phenomenon has recently become a subject of special research interest. This has prompted special attention on the contribution of cultural industries in terms of economic development, and led to a reinvestigation of their role in the structural development and changes of the economy. However, there is rarity of studies in the country that analyzes the linkages between cultural and creative industry and the economy and their socio-economic contributions.