Heavy metals are a natural component of the Earth’s crust and essential to life only in trace amounts. They are known to be non-biodegradables and change their forms continuously into sulfates, silicates, carbonates, oxalates, laterites, etc. Heavy metals such as iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, and nickel are equired in minute quantities while others like lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury do not iave any beneficial effects on organisms and are hazardous to both plants and animals when present in excess. However, in the past few /ears, their levels and availability have elevated significantly causing the introduction of heavy netal contamination in the environment. One major contributor and source of heavy metal pollutants is mining, which is often considered as the most devastating anthropogenic activity o the environment. Mining has been reported to pollute the soil, groundwater and surface /vater bodies because of the dissolution of heavy metal bearing minerals from waste dumps and tailings storage facilities. For example, a previous study of the main proponent of this project have identified heavy metal contamination in Davao de Oro due to tecades of artisanal and small-scale gold mining activities. In this study, we reported pxtremely high levels of copper, lead, zinc and arsenic in the area. Samples collected from “disturbed” and “undisturbed” in this site harbored soil nematodes that showed potential as bioindicators for heavy metal pollution.