The rapid industrialization of poultry production, driven by the rising demand of the growing population for meat and eggs, has been shown to bring adverse effects to the environment because of poultry wastes going to the bodies of water. The release of toxic compounds and elements into the environment poses serious welfare and production issues. This project aims to analyze surface and groundwater samples that are reached directly or indirectly by poultry wastes from poultry farms in the province of Leyte. The physicochemical properties of the water will be characterized and the levels of toxic heavy metals will be quantified. Mathematical calculations of the water quality indices as well as the estimated health risks in humans, e.g., carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks, will be undertaken. Investigations such as this is important to produce evidence-based findings that will be used in predicting the environmental impact of poultry wastes in the condition of water resources, bio-accumulation of toxic products, sustainability of water supply, fitness of water for human use, and the long-term effect of toxic metal exposure to human health. The findings will serve as baseline information to strengthen implementation of the Clean Water Act and the national drug residues control program of the country. It will also support initiatives of the local government units and authorities to intensify public awareness on the effect of water contamination to human health and to regulate the use of toxic metals in poultry production.