With the application of urban digital modelling and simulation via GIS and data analytics, the resulting maps will have a scenario- based comprehensive plan, which are data-informed, shaped by diverse inputs from the community, adaptable and highly responsive to changes occurring across all sectors. Move beyond static regulatory practices by leveraging a GIS and data analytics- based approach to data management and the organization of planning teams. Explore insights into emerging trends and issues with scenario planning tools for growth capacity analysis and land use interventions. Make advanced analytics part of the process by establishing baselines for things surface temperature, carbon dioxide emissions, wind direction, and other parameters. Ensure all voices are heard by supporting conventional engagement activities with digital content and surveys that drive conversations. Establish a GIS-based zoning map to test proposals and conduct zoning revisions, thus empowering the real estate community to easily calibrate LGU projects. Project 3D-CLUP facilitates and enables web-based public feedback and inclusivity. Capable of designing and simulating what-if scenarios. VR-ready integration for seamless CLUP maps analysis and visualization.