Natural resources refer to any material present in the environment, that can be utilized either directly in its raw form or requiring processing for consumption or production with attributable value to humans. Natural resources have also been identified as an important factor that can drive economic development. The critical, and integral role of natural resources to the Philippine society is very much placed in limelight manifested by its inclusion in AmBisyon Natin 2040 document as among the aspects that must be given attention to reach the Philippines’ vision of a “matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay” by 2040. In this vision of environment-society intertwine, an “efficiently-managed natural resources and environment” is targeted to be realized. One of these valuable natural resources is water (Mirchi, Watkins Jr., and Madani, 2009), evidenced by a pronounced dependency of humans on it. An important source of water is watershed and its recharge areas. Watersheds do not only provide ample volume of water for direct utilization of humans but also offer several other services beneficial to man including flood control, mitigation of drought impact, and prevention and/or regulation of soil erosion , all of which are reported to have positive inputs to livelihood activities in the tropics. Moreover, watersheds also serve as important habitat for several taxonomic groups. In the Philippines, the watershed in various localities has also been regarded as a valuable resource. Being the case, several initiatives were employed in order to manage this valuable resource. One approach is the crafting and implementation of national and local policies including The Water Code of the Philippines (PD1067), and local watershed protection, conservation, and management ordinances. The involvement of all pertinent stakeholders including but not limited to the national government, local government units, non-government organizations, community organizations, and local residents, also showed a significant impact on watershed management and protection.